What is SEM-Eye, Why should I give it a try ?
The goal of Sem-Eye is to show you your website, like Google sees it.
The structural issues are then exposed in a blink, and you know what to fix !
What will Sem Eye do for me ?
- Detect, in a snap, the parasite pages that absorb too much link juice
- put the light on essential structural problems : infinite tunnels, canonical errors, broken redirects, site depth…
- Expose the obstacles that block a crawler
- Visualize – on a sharp view – the presence and conformity of your internal linking or semantic mesh
- Validate the constitency between the planned hierarchy and the hierarchy that’s perceived by a bot
- Check your silos, and the isolation of the silos.
- Represent your website and it’s internal linking under a clear and actionable form, that serves as a solid base for thinking and discussion.
- Rather than a macro and statistical view only, Sem Eye also gives you detailed views, up to the page itself, for precise and concrete actions.
- Before and After visualizations allow you to specifically show and prove to a client the volume of work you’ve done on a website, the difference before & after, and thus visually highlight the work you’ve done.
- Give you a concrete, almost physical, representation of your website, in order to isolate the sections to improve.
- Identify the high potential pages and improve them for SEO and/or conversion
- Formally predict the incidence of a menu or footer change, on the internal link juice flow – Before going in prod.
Example of a simple analysis : relative importance of pages.
Do you make these classic SEO mistakes ?
- You don’t crawl, but blindly trust your CMS or a so-called ‘SEO’ plugin
- You apply some generic recipes, like “3 clicks from the homepage” or “create an html sitemap”
- You progress by trial and errors, without really knowing what to fix, what works or not, nor why…
- You do crawl, but you feel that global statistics are good enough, or you miss actionable data.
- You really do crawl, but you leave alone optimizations that look too basic to have an impact
- You use a generic internal linking scheme for your website, without thinking of the goal of this linking, of the precise pages you really want to boost.
- You “push”, without willing – or knowing it – pages that are not optimized, useless, or worst : toxic.
- You’ve got critical pages with a high potential that are not optimized for the SEO
- You do apply generic structural changes, by following some supposed “best practices”, without checking – in practice – their real impact on the specific case of your website.
The crawl with our tool, the visualization of your structure, the interactive analysis, the zooms allow you to avoid, without effort, all these errors, and drive your site to the next level.
The same website, before and after an obvious optimization.
Why does this work ?
- The crawl is one pillar of the SEO, it’s a fundamental element.
- It’s the first contact, THE way Google discovers your site. “You don’t have a second chance to make a good first impression”
- The crawl, and it’s assorted visualization, brings factual information on what can block crawl or indexation
- A graphical dataviz speaks easily to the majority of the people, it’s much easier to read than KPI arrays. You can also get actionable data.
You don’t only notice a problem, you precisely SEE where it is. - The tool was tested in french, on hundreds of websites, since 1 year. We had plenty of time to debug, upgrade and test the limits.
- We recorded a big enthusiasm of our clients for the visualizations, the graphical views : this is concrete, almost alive. You can almost touch the site.
- An interesting aspect is the viral potential of the visualizations, that are shared, almost like Art. That’s a great asset for agencies and consultants, that can show something consistent to their client or boss. We got the appeal of the infographics, but more useful and actionable.
- Several types of issues that are not easily detectable via raw data, or global statistic metrics, are immediately visible with the right visualization.
- We find more and more tutorials, background articles on the importance of the internal linking, on how to represent a website linking with Gephi for instance.
Our tool is the only integrated tool, in self service, that gives a reliable & reproducible reality to this internal linking.
Here is a real case : some linking errors that are impossible to detect with conventional tools, and obvious when drawn in a proper way.